Hey all! So it's been like forever but Jane Eyre is a pretty long book.
I read it after it was suggested by my soon-to-be sister-in-law because she has pretty good taste in books. And it was a fantastic book. Jane Eyre tells the story of a plain Jane (literally) who has a bad childhood and spends time in an orphanage but finally gets a job for a mysterious man as his child's nanny.
She finally meets Mr Rochester and as she continues to work for him, she begins to fall in love and he falls in love with her. They arrange the marriage but once at the church a shocking discovery (READ IT FOR YOURSELF!) splits them up and Jane runs away and stays with some other people which she later discovers are her cousins and she has actually inherited some money from a long lost uncle.
The love that Rochester and Jane share lasts through many years though they are not in touch or seeing each other. I wanted them to get back together already! They were amazing together even though Rochester was much much older. And you'll have to read it to know the ending.. but I like the ending.. :)
I wish I could really see Jane's artwork, because it's beautifully described.
My favorite line in the book is probably: "We know God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us: and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence... I felt the might and strength of God."
Now I'm reading A Great and Terrible Beauty (Not a classic- but on the long time list of "books to read")!
Happy reading, Kelsey
Glad you liked it! That's a great quote. I suggest watching the new movie if you get a chance I thought it was really good :) I really want to see the BBC series too though! -Alex